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Image by Raychel Sanner

Welcome to


Spring Thunder Taiji Arts

located in Dover, NH



Here are just some of our services.

Image by Abhinav Sharma


We believe in enhancing the mind, body, and spirit through the practice of Taijiquan (Tai Chi). Our comprehensive Taijiquan school will help you feel physically and mentally stronger, and spiritually more awake.  Take an online course, or join us in person and start your journey towards cultivating your inner being.

Hakutsuru (White Crane Karate)

Our Hakutsuru White Crane Karate online private lessons are designed to enhance health and longevity while also imparting important self-defense skills. Discover the transformative power of this ancient tradition today.

Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream work

Step into the world of ancient wisdom and spiritual growth through our transformative Celtic Inspired Nature and Dream Work Program. With our powerful initiations integrated into our 2 year apprenticeship program, you can make a positive change in your life that you never thought possible.

"The name 'Spring Thunder' came to me after waking up to a loud clap of Thunder and Lightning early in the morning as spring was approaching.  Spring is the season of growth, wind, the rising sun, new beginnings, youth, and the Green Dragon in eastern thought.  Thunder represents Spiritual Awakening in many traditions.  It is said that at the time of true awakening that Thunder and Lightning will be heard.  Taiji means 'supreme ultimate', the philosophy utilized in many Eastern arts and is based on the oneness of Yin and Yang polarities." -Scott B.

Scott Bendell

Scott Bendell,  Lic., Ac.

My name is Scott Bendell, and I am an Acupuncturist with a passion for the Internal Martial Arts, Neigong, Meditation and Celtic Inspired Dream Work. I have had the privilege of studying under some of the best in the field, including the Grandmaster of the Primordial School of Longmen Pai; Grandmaster Vellucci, founder of the Kobukan Karate Federation; and Mugen Roshi and Diana Daoshi, founders of the Kunlun System. I've had many other teachers along the way that have inspired me greatly on my path towards self-discovery.   


In addition to my training in Taoist and other Internal  practices, I have also been immersing myself in the Celtic Inspired Dream work tradition, under the guidance of my late mentor Tira Brandon-Evans. Her program has connected me deeply with the world of the Sìth and has empowered me greatly in my path.  After completing my program she gave me permission to teach her work to others so that the tradition continues.  While I consider myself nothing more than a beginner, my passion for teaching has led me to want to share with others what I enjoy deeply inside.  


Best wishes 


Tea Time
Anchor 2

Contact Us


45 Pointe Place

Dover, NH 03820



Opening Hours


See schedule for Classes

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