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This Program will be closing soon at the end of summer for the year.  I am unsure when it will re-open at this time.   

Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work Program

Welcome to the Taoist Celt, where we offer a life-changing 2 year program for those seeking powerful initiations and guidance on their spiritual journey. Our 2-year program provides a comprehensive understanding of Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work, and upon completion, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in Celtic Dream Work that validates your hard work and effort. Join us and connect with your Celtic ancestral guides on a Journey deep into the Mythological cycles of the Celts, the natural world, and the spirits that are hidden within it.

What is Conscious Dream Work?


Conscious Dream Work is an element of Shamanism and has been used in most cultures as a way to explore the deepest aspects of our mind, and the universe.  Many people nowadays refer to Conscious Dream Work as Journey work and this was made popular by Michael Harner.   Conscious Dream Work is used by many cultures throughout the world including Native Americans, Mongolia, and South American shamans.  Often the use of plant medicines were used to achieve this state, or drums and rattling.  However it is not necessary to do so as your body creates its own natural chemicals which can produce similar results through breathwork and meditation. 


This type of Shamanic work differs from traditional 'Shamans' in that this is only a small aspect of traditional training. Most Traditional Shamans undergo a very rigorous form of training that requires purification through ceremony.  In terms of Celtic Shamans, it is also heavily debated as to whether or not the Celtic peoples did have 'Official Shamans'.  The closest we know for sure are the Druids, Ovates, and Bards, who certainly had elements of Shamanism.  


Celtic Inspired Nature and Dream Workers undergo training that help you connect to the  Sìth, or Faeries.  These Sìth are contacted through Dream Initiation as well as spending time out in nature.  Dream Workers do not undergo any possession during their pracices.   We work with the Sìth in order to harmonize ourselves with nature, awaken our perceptions, do healing work, soul retrievals, and bring harmony to the earth, and shall do no harm.  Celtic Inspired Nature and Dream Workers are intermediaries between the physical world, and the Sìth. 

About the Program

Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work is a 2 year certification program. (We will expand the program in the near future).  My goal of the first year is to share with you the teachings passed down from my late teacher, Tira Brandon-Evans, of how to enter the Sìth (Faery) realms through Conscious Dream Work.; and for you to gain an understanding of the mythology of the ancient Celtic world.  This will involve a series of breathwork exercises and visualizations, and then discovering your Dreamwork guides, as well as reading assignments.  Once you are able to enter the Faery realms through Conscious Dream Work, then you will go through purification of the 5 elements which involves spending time out in nature and focusing upon each element.   You will also encounter different Sìth in your part of the world at this time.  After the purifications, you will learn about other topics such as shapeshifting in the astral world, and communing with the Faery Folk. 


The second year will be devoted to the seasonal 'High Energy Days'.  Sometimes these seasonal changes are known as the Celtic Wheel that many Pagan and Wiccan traditions still follow.  These are times throughout the year where most cultures consider the energy to be particularly special.  Historically speaking, it is known from the Coligny Calendar that Celts followed a lunar-solar calendar. During each of these times you will be guided into a specific journey and you will undergo powerful initiations that bring healing to your body, and immerse you deeper into the Celtic landscape where you encounter the Sìth in a very powerful manner.  Also during this year you will go deeper into purification of the 5 elements through special guided journeys that help harmonize you with the seasonal energies.  Finally you will learn several powerful symbols for healing and imbuing energy into objects, water scrying, fire scrying, healing methods, ritual, and a few more things.  Some people will receive variations in what to focus on based on their particular mindset and energy.  At the end of the 2 years, you will feel like you have a strong grasp of the very real Sìth world.  


How the program works


Once you decide you are ready to commit to the 2 year program,, simply send an email with your name, and why you would like to learn Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dreamwork to  You will then be contacted with an acceptance or rejection email and you will then receive in your email your oath of becoming a Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker.  You are required to read it over immediately, sign it and then return it via email.


Once received, you will then be invited to schedule your first lesson via your email provided.  You will also be invited to a private Facebook group where you will be able to share your experiences in a safe environment.  After being scheduled, you will be sent a zoom link (or whatever agreed video conferencing app) about 10-15 mins ahead of your scheduled lesson.  Payment of $75 for the approx 1 hr lesson can be made via Venmo, or Paypal and should be sent at least 24 hrs before your scheduled lesson.  Missed lessons, aka No Shows will require an extra $20 rebooking fee.  


You will also be required to read  certain stories found within the Irish Mythological cycle so that you have an idea of the mindset in which the ancient Irish and Gaels perceived the spiritual world.  You may either purchase the books online, or find the readings online at **This program is geared towards the Mythology of the Celts of present day Ireland and Western Scotland.  I do acknowledge that some of you may be interested in the Welsh, Brythonic and Gaulish traditions, such as the Mabinigon, Arthurian lore, and more.  Overtime I will be able to incorporate more of these traditions. 

During the online lesson it is advised that you have a quiet and private space to communicate so there are no distractions.  During the session I often perform a Celtic oracle card reading to evaluate what things to focus on in your life.  Through intuition and my Celtic Spirit guides, I will do my best to guide you along the path to becoming a Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker.


At the completion of the 2 year program, you will be given a Certificate of Completion that will signify and attest to your completion of this program that you will be able to display signifying this special accomplishment.  This will enable you to teach the Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work Program to those who you deem worthy utilizing these particular techniques.  It is very important to me that these teachings are carried on in a responsible way in order to honor both the Sìth (Sidhe, Faeries), and my teacher Tira.  Having certification carries a certain responsibility of the holder. 


**Just a note, not everyone will graduate this program due to life circumstances including financial issues, desire to finish etc.  Some people will even find the program too difficult as you are required to confront hidden blockages in your mind.  It's ok though and do not feel bad.  The Sìth and my teachers determine if you are meant to follow this path. 


Hill of Tara


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