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Spring Thunder Medical Qigong and Neigong


    Qigong translates to 'Energy Work' and is a general term for what used to be called Neigong and Tao Yin.  Neigong means "Inner Work".  In fact Taijiquan is a form of Qigong/Neigong combined with Martial arts. 


    It is said that in the beginning we practice Qigong by absorbing energy from the world around us including the Sun, Moon,  Stars, Wind, Water, Fire, Trees, Earth, Lakes and more.  Then as we advance we go more internally and see ourselves as the universe.  We keep our minds within our bodies strengthening everything within and trying not to leak through our 5 senses.  Then we eventually come to the point where everything is mind or spirit.  That is when we begin Shengong.  Few people are said to have this level of knowledge.


    'Spring Thunder Medical Qigong and Neigong' is a quick path towards developing inner and outer balance.  'Spring' in ancient thought would often refer to the season of growth, youth, change, rejuvenation and is connected to wind energy, storms, and trees.  'Thunder' energy in ancient thought is considered the most powerful form and quickest form of transformation.  It was often said that once heaven and earth were created, then Thunder and lightning came.  Thunder represents the transformation of Yang energy while Lightning was the Yin energy.  Most people are fascinated by a Thunder storm because it connects to our very primal nature.  This Thunder energy is thought to bring about both Physical and Spiritual change quickly.  After watching a Thunderstorm, we all notice how the air has changed.  Just watching a storm is healthy for us.


   In order to become truly healthy, an understanding of nature is extremely important.  STMQ (Spring Thunder Medical Qigong) consists of numerous practices taken from Taoist, Buddhist, Primordial, Hakutsuru (White Crane), and Meditative schools of thought.  Practices include Standing forms of Qigong that are both stationary, and moving; sitting forms of Qigong that include stillness and movement as well.  Partner exercises where we will help each other cultivate a stronger mind and body are also taught.  STMQ also includes circle walking practices, healing of others with both hands on acupressure point pressing, and hands off "Reiki like" treatments.  There are many other aspects included as well too numerous to list.  In STMQ, there is also spiritual methods of opening up the body as well as an understanding of the universe helps us become more deeply compassionate toward others.  









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