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This FAQ will answer many of the questions you may have about our Celtic Sìth Shamanic Worker course.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker?

A Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker is someone who is a practitioner of learning to live in harmony with nature, someone who delves deep into their mind and works through their resistance to their their truth, and someone who communes with the Sìth for inspiration, healing, and wisdom.  The Sìth are the race of beings that exist in the mounds Ireland and Western Scotland.  They are powerful beings that including nature spirits, gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, undines, and the Tuatha de Dannan.  The Tuatha de Dannan were a tribe that are believed to have travelled to Ireland via ships from the sky covered in mist.  They went to war with the Fomorians who lived there at the time and won.  During the next invasion of Ireland, a race known as the Milesians came in and went to war with the Tuatha de Dannan.  This time they lost and as an agreement, they went to live underground  while the Milesians lived on the surface. They are recorded in the Irish mythological cycle  texts in the Book of Invasions,  and our considered by many to this day to be just as real as you and I.  


Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker use a few Shamanic Tools, based on ancient principles.  This does not make them a Shaman though. It incorporates conscious dreaming methods called 'Journeying'.  As a Celtic Inspired Conscious Dream Worker, they goes deep inside theirselves where they connect to an ancient world that exists within our own world that is filled with beings written about in Celtic Mythology.  The Celtic Inspired Nature worker aspect uses methods of purification connected with our natural world.  They would visit their local forests, lakes, oceans, mountains and more in order to connect with the spirits of the land.  The spirits help us purify our mind and even sometimes our physical bodies.   The Nature Worker will also follow the seasonal energies and become in tune with the natural rhythms of the Earth, Sea, and Sky.  By living in harmony with these changes, our body can adapt to the seasons more readily.  We also will journey and do ritual during the high times of year, taking advantage of the natural energy available.  Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Workers can do healing work if they choose, and can also communicate with the Otherworld.  And finally, these Workers will balance and protect the land, giving future generations an opportunity to benefit from the bounty of the earth.  

2. Does 'Celtic Shamanism' really exist? or is this made up garbage?

The term ''Celtic Shamanism' is not recorded in Celtic history in a direct manner.  The term 'Shaman' itself is a term from the tungus region of Siberia and has many meanings.  One such meaning is 'One who tells lies' because the truth was hard to believe.  Another meaning is to 'Vocalize' due to the Shaman's songs.  What we must realize is that traditional Shamanism would have travelled via the Mongols and other Siberian tribes all the way along the silk road to turkey.  From there these techniques would have been brought with various tribes into Europe and even into the original Celtic tribal areas of Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and Germany.  One such Shaman tradition that made it far into Europe were the Sami in northern Scandinavia.  Their practice is very similar  to the Siberian traditions.   In any case, these techniques would have merged with the native European spiritual Pagan traditions and thus changed over time.  


Elements of Shamanism can be found throughout the Celtic lifestyle.  Celtic artwork for example shows very strong elements of Shamanism as seen within the Gundestrop Cauldron where a man seated cross legged is holding a serpent, torc, and wears deer antlers.  This typically denotes a 'Thunder Magic' practice utilized by the deer clan which comes from Shaman traditions.   When reading the Irish Mythological stories, there are many elements of magic, such as weather control and shapeshifting, typically seen in Shamanic traditions.  


Celtic tribes would have had other terms for their spiritual practices rather than Shamanism.  In Ireland/Scotland, one of the closest terms would have been a 'Faery Doctor', denoting as someone who healed others utilizing the help of the Sìth.  Druids, Ovates, and Bards would be the closest to Shamans, and may have possibly worked with the Sìth, although due to lack of records, it's impossible to know.  


The tradition that was passed down to me from Tira was the result of her seeing the Sìth Folk, (faeries) coming to visit her especially while she was sick beginning when she was young.  She stated that they were real and physical when she saw them.  She then later studied 'Core Shamanism' to help her gain further understanding of the Shamanic 'Journey'.  And over time she developed the coursework with the aid of the Sìth to help others enter the lands of the Sìth.  While this may be just a small aspect of a traditional shaman, anyone who works with spirits is someone who at the very least uses 'Shamanic methods'.  It was often said that the spirits call the Shamanic Worker into working for them.  In many traditions it was when you were sick that the calling to perform Shamanic work was realized. 


Once you go through the course, you will agree that this form of Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work is still very powerful and it works.  Hopefully with each generation it will once again regain the status that I believe it deserves as a legitimate spiritual tradition. 

3. Do I need to be Irish or Scottish to practice as a Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker?

Celtic tribes existed all throughout Europe, not just in Ireland and Scotland and the British Isles.  There are Celtic speaking people in France and Spain as well.  The original 'Celtic' settlements as we understand now are in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Northern Italy, and the Czech Republic.  In fact many Celtic tribes were mixed with 'Germanic' tribes.   It's hard to say who is a Celt and who is not.  Most Europeans will have some 'Celtic' genetics.  People are beginning to understand that Celtic peoples were less based on genetics and more based on culture and language nowadays.  If you are drawn to learn, it is highly recommended that you read the history of the Celtic / Gaulish peoples in Europe.  All people are welcome to the program.  However, if you are not of European or Celtic background, you may have had past lives in these areas.  Celts did believe in transmigration of the soul, aka reincarnation.  In this case, you can still learn to be a Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Worker.  You will have to do a special journey to find your Celtic Sìth Guide who is willing to 'Foster' you, as is the tradition of the Celts.  Many clans would allow their kids to be 'Fostered' in other households in order to teach them a special skill.  It was an honor to be a Foster parent.   Once you find your Foster guide you will be able to proceed as normal.  If no guide is willing to foster you after several attempts, then you will be unable to journey into the Celtic Otherworld and will either need to wait to another time, or possibly need to look at another tradition.

4. What if I started the program and cannot continue for Financial or time reasons?

If you run into financial difficulties during your program after 6 months into it, please contact Scott to work out a plan.  If it has not been 6 months, then you will have to wait till the universe provides you with enough financial stability to begin again.  When you are accepted into this program, you are making a commitment to change your life and must prioritize your desire to complete this program by saving what money you need each month.  If you miss more than 3 months of lessons, then you will have to wait 1 year again to start up again.   This ensures that you have the drive and desire to make it through the full 2 year program. 

5. How much time will I need to devote to learning?

You get out of the program what you put into it.  With that being said, the program will require the 1 hr session via online with Scott once a month, and you will be given homework to practice.  Typically it takes anywhere from 2-20 hours a month.  The variation is large based on how close you live to certain natural surroundings, and how often you read.   Most people on average will put in about 10 hours a month which is a little over 2 hours a week.  These are very rough estimates though. 

6. Do I need to be able to go outside to practice Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work?

Yes.  Being out in nature is key to balancing the Elements.  Nature spirits exist in nature and nature is our biggest teacher. 

7. Is this a religion?

All faiths can practice Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work.  With that being said, there are many elements of Celtic Paganism/Druidry inherently within this type of work.  You must be comfortable  with the idea of paying respect to Celtic Gods/Goddesses/nature spirits.  You do not need to worship/praise these deities if you do not desire, but you need to be respectful at the same time.   Many Celtic or other Pagans will be naturally drawn to this type of Work. 

8. Where did you learn Celtic Inspired Nature and Conscious Dream Work

My teacher was the late Tira Brandon-Evans.  She founded the Society of Celtic Shamans and began teaching Celtic Faery Shamanism over 20 years ago.  I began my apprenticeship with her in 2011 and it continued to 2015.  Before passing she wanted to know that her program would continue on.  I felt ready to do the work as did a few others.  I've changed the name of the program to keep up with modern times.  I feel grateful to be able to teach and share this very empowering program.  I hope to honor her as she changed my life forever.  She is very missed by all those who were able to work / know her. 

Tira Brandon-Evans

The late, Tira Brandon-Evans


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